“You can only be offended if you choose to take offense.”
Nikhil Vaish
Dear Aamir,
Nikhil Vaish
Dear Aamir,
We met one time for a business
meeting almost two decades ago. I doubt you will remember, but there were a few
things about our meeting and the impression you made on me that I never forgot.
The first thing that surprised me
is that you asked your manager not to join our meeting. Every Bollywood star we
had dealt with had insisted that we communicate with them through their
managers. I guess seeing the surprise on our faces you explained that you liked
to speak for yourself and manage your own affairs. You believed all your
professional decisions were yours to make and added that, being the ultimate
decision-maker, you would also be wasting our time by making us go through a
manager. Both my creative head and I respected you for this professional
The second thing that impressed
me greatly was your no bullshit common sense and clear understanding of the
fundamentals of marketing. We had come to talk to you about a
big national ad campaign that we were developing for a multi-national
company. Other stars we had spoken with cared mostly about
negotiating their fees and discussing travel arrangements, asking if family
could accompany them at our expense. But you spent all of your time
quizzing us about details of the script, insisting you would need final
sign-off, and then proceeded to drill us about the media strategy. No actor had
ever asked about any of this information, or even seemed to care. I know my
creative director was glad he had brought this account man along!
Sufficed to say, while I will not
divulge the details of our meeting, your logic was sound and demonstrated an
innate understating of building and managing brands. It was also in
complete contrast to the immaturity, emotional histrionics and self-absorption
we were warned to expect from Bollywood. Yet, this is not what impressed me most
about you. It was that everything you said, you did with a wry smile. Almost as
if you only half-believed or were half-serious about the all fundas and logic
you were sharing with us to weigh your decision. It left me
feeling that while you took your art and the business of movies very seriously,
you had not succumbed to the superficiality and transient nature of stardom and
success – and did not take yourself too seriously. You had a healthy dose of
reality, common sense and a clear, rational head on your shoulders. I left
there with greater respect for you. You were never preachy, sanctimonious or
So naturally, I was shocked the
other day to read about your comments on the AIB roast, even after you admitted
that you had not seen the whole show, just a clip or two. I was not bothered by
the fact that you were offended by it, or that you thought it puerile, juvenile
and in poor taste. What troubled me greatly was that you equated it to
violence. You said, "I felt it was a very violent event. Violence
is not only physical; it can be verbal and emotional too. When you insult
someone, you perpetuate violence…" (Source: “Aamir Khan, be a Responsible Celebrity”, NDTV). You did say that you were not advocating a witch hunt
against those involved, but also went on to say that they should be punished if
they broke any laws and you called them irresponsible; adding that celebrities
need to be more responsible.
I will not get into the double
standard, based on your own defence of Delhi Belly or more recently for PK, as
many others have written about this. I want to re-iterate the point about your responsibility,
as a celebrity. A blogger named Vidyut also made this point quite passionately.
You are a super star and that means you have a super mega pulpit. Based purely
on your celebrity, people listen to you with rose-tinted glasses when you speak
about any issue, versus ANY other prominent public figure. And people
tend to try and rationalise emotional issues in emotional and irrational ways.
As Vidyut puts it: “When a large voice like yours tells people that
people speaking must be careful, and people who get offended can ask them to
stop, a thousand voices like mine get raw throats trying to talk sanity on
the issue and explain why it is not okay to shut people up just because you
don’t like what they say. “but even Aamir Khan agrees…” (Source: “Open letter to Aamir Khan” by Vidyut).
The Aamir I met might say with a
wry smile, something that I know my father would have said, that “the AIB
Roast is not my idea of intelligent humour and in my mind the jokes went beyond
a sense of decency and decorum that I strive to uphold BUT this is a free
country; and Karan, Tanmay, the AIB gang and their audience were all adults. If
they can find an audience for this type of puerile and juvenile rubbish (and
people are willing to throw away their hard earned money to watch it), then all
the power to them; just don’t ever expect me to condone it or be part of it.”
Now more than ever, India needs
the Aamir I met all those years ago. We need him to come down from
his perch and talk sense, so that cooler heads can once again prevail in
this important and necessary debate.